Well after a great deal of thought and with the best of intentions I have decided to create a Blogging account. My main purpose in this is to have a place to mentally vent and to sustain my writing abilities now that the majority of my school work is data and result based and requires very little creative writing. I am going to make an effort to find a balance between trying to write "profound" thoughts and feelings and throwing down mundane thoughts. The result, I hope, will be a thoughtful and meditative collection of thoughts and sensations. In another way, this journal/blog will serve as an outlet for conversation that I feel I have partially lost now that I am at an agriculturally based school. With so many of my friends scattered around the state and the country, it is harder to open up to relative strangers here in Las Cruces and so I hope that this journal will serve as a means of conversational exercise until I have the opportunity to find people I can truly share my thoughts with.
I surmise that the fear of the eyes of prying friends or overly "empathetic" readers I had when writing blogs and journal entries on social networking sites will be relieved with the relative anonymity I have on this account. I also hope that I will write on this account with some regularity and with valuable introspection. This being said, I will leave the rest of this journal to actualizing my hopes and needs of communication and contemplation. Wish me luck...
2 days ago