Below is a description of the field areas I visited for my Field Class during the Spring 2011 semester. Before you continue reading, I should warn you that unlike at Field Camp (which I'll cover in a later post) I did not take any pictures for the majority of the field trips. I was more concerned with learning mapping techniques and getting a good grade than documenting our field areas. Thus most of this post will be terribly boring and entirely too text heavy. I'm mainly writing this as a personal review of my progression as a field geologist and to serve as a record of where I've gone in southern NM.
January 15, 2011 Robledo Mountains (First Map and the Final)
This outing was mainly an excuse to get us out into the field and taking attitudes with our Brunton compasses. All of our attitudes were taken off of the Hueco Limestone in a drainage near the gravel mine or in nearby exposures. We then plotted these attitudes on a stereonet and on a field map, then wrote a short report on the lithology and similarity of attitudes in the Hueco. It was a simple outing, but you have to start your field career somewhere...
2 days ago